21 February, 2016

Windsor Weekend

Rounding up my weekend away in Windsor.

Okay so I haven't had the time to do any real shoots this week, (useless, I know) but I've been crazy busy & have some blogging news coming tomorrow - seriously exciting stuff so make sure you check back tomorrow! 

Anywhooo, I've just come back from a belated Valentines' weekend in Windsor. It was just what I needed - staying at the 4* Sir Christopher Wren Hotel & Spa, starting the day off with a body wrap & sauna in my new ASOS bikini - please acknowledge & appreciate the matching flamingo print & tatt.

Bikini top: South Beach @ ASOS - High-waisted bikini bottoms: South Beach @ ASOS

As we were out for V-Day, I decided to go girly in white & pink. I'd had my eye on this dress for ages & then one of my angelic colleagues actually grabbed it for me in a sample sale at work - who ever created sample sales is a God! This does actually come with 3/4 sleeves but being a sample product, I had to do some work to it hence my sleeveless version.

Dress: ASOS - Heels: ASOS

In case you're unsure, that beaut above in my boyfriend - now, I wouldn't normally featured him on my blog but look at his fucking, adorable smile in this! We were cheer-sing to my recent good blog news here so it feels approps to add it in.

Today involved a rather hungover morning, too much food at Carluccios & shopping, lots of shopping - that's what Sunday's are for though right? If you're following me on Insta then I should probs apologise for the spam you've seen of this coat, but come on, it is faux fur PINK! If I die in this, I'll die happy & sassy. 

Coat: River Island

PS. It's nearly 10PM right now so if you are taking the time to read this before you go to sleep, cute, thanks for the late-night love xoxox