07 September, 2016

Hannah 2.0

There's nothing quite like getting your tits out in public to make you remember why you love blogging.

Define 'slacker'; someone who can't be arsed to get their arse in gear, eg. a pastel haired pansy who loves fashion and writing but is too lazy and insecure to just get on with her blog.

It's been 6 months since I last posted & if I'm honest with myself, there's no real reason behind this break. At first I kept telling myself I was busy, then I was sick, then my sister's friend's uncle's cat's had a crisis and it was crucial I was there to hold his paw. I can blame it on wanting to lose weight, on wanting a new camera for better shots, even on writers block but truthfully I'm just a bit lazy. I lost the flow of things & it's taken me a while to claw it back. But hey, everyone loves a comeback right? (Unless we're talking sexually in which case just make sure to close your eyes)

I've spent these 6 months reading through the blogs I enjoy & thinking more about the writer & blogger I want to be. It sounds simple but all I want to do is have fun with it & be myself, I don't want pressure which is something I was putting on myself a lot beforehand. I may not fit the typical "fashion" mould - I've never contoured my face & I can't stop eating chicken nuggets - but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy fashion.

So henceforth, I'm pleased to introduce you to Hannah 2.0, with more colour, ladybits & swearing than ever before & so help me God, the first person who tells me swearing or running through a field half naked isn't ladylike can jog on.

White chiffon blouse - charity shop
Floral flares - Ragged Priest

Photos by Ellie Swaffield (@ellieswaffieldd)