13 November, 2016

Happy (belated) Birthday to the Fashion Fancy Idiot.

I was shocked at myself the other week when I discovered that I'd completely missed my blog's 1st birthday! I'm a terrible person, I know but I have the memory of Dory when it comes to dates - when it comes to rap lyrics & lines from films though I'm a certified don. (Note to self: do not describe yourself as a don, Hannah.)

I'll be the first to admit that I thought blogging was going to be a lot easier than it is. I was naive & definitely didn't realise the time & dedication it takes to put together a "successful" blog. You may not consider mine successful right now but hey, it's a work in progress! There's a lot I want to do still but juggling this, full-time work, friends, family & a relationship can be a massive ball ache at times. Even finding the money to buy a proper camera for shoots has been something I've been promising myself for the entire year (Mother Russ or darling boyfriend of mine, if you're reading this, it's Christmas soon. Hint-fucking-hint.)

When I first started Fashion Fancy Idiot it was just an outlet for me to share my shopping addiction, however it's become much more to me now. My style has always been a reflection of my personality & now, a year on & happier than ever, I think the disgusting amount of colour in my wardrobe is proof of how far I've come. Someone told me the other week that they loved reading my posts because they make them happy. Mate, I was buzzing my itty-bitty titties off! Not only am I happier but I made someone else happier! Yes I want to show my fashion off but being able to make someone smile or laugh, well that's just fan-fucking-tastic, isn't it? 

So while I may not have a "successful" blog, that to me is a success. I may not have a shit ton of followers or been invited to LFW (yet) but this creation of mine brought happiness to someones life. 

Happy Birthday Fashion Fancy Idiot - here's to spreading more happiness this year!

Jumpsuit - Zara
Backpack - Skinnydip

SIDE NOTE: If you've got this far down, thanks for reading my utter nonsense but I imagine you may be wondering where the rest of the pictures are. While I enjoy sharing my style, it's my writing that I truly wish to focus on so be prepared for less pictures & more written rambling. I know that may suck for those who have the attention span of a small child but typing away at my laptop is a hell of a lot more relaxing than standing in the cold, posing for a camera so you'll have to get used to this. I'll still take the bullet & stand in the cold some weeks so you get your fill of photos but I have got some exciting writing projects planned so if you could show the same interest as you do my muggy face, it'd mean a lot. Cheers!